CHIME Innovation Summit Supporting Materials
Free Strategyzer Downloads: Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas
>>CLICK HERE<< to download and print copies of the Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Design Canvas, and other free tools directly from Strategyzer’s website
David Bland’s “Precoil.com” Resources - Mapping and testing Business Assumptions - Innovation Pre-work - Free Webinars, Articles, Downloadable Templates - Author of “Testing Business Ideas”
Recommended Books for Healthcare Innovation Leaders:
Key Case Studies and Innovation Theory Articles:
Atrium Health Whitepaper - “Design for Impact” - Case Studies in Leveraging Desirability, Feasibility, and Viability Testing to Get Results
How Mapping Business Assumptions Can Help You AVOID Wasting Time and Resources
Three Key Characteristics of Well-Formed (MEASURABLE) Business Hypotheses
Designing Experiments that Align with your Value Proposition Design Canvas
Building Evidence that Trumps Opinion with the Innovation Project Scorecard Tool
Practical Uses for Gen-AI: ViVE Central Stage 2024
Moderator Mike Mosquito hosts a “Fishbowl Panel” which allows audience members to join the panelists to share their stories, ask questions, and in this case, win a prize!
CHIME Policy Special Webinar: ONC’s new rule affecting AI
Navigating the Future With ONC: Unveiling the Impact of HTI 1 - hosted by CHIME's Public Policy Team on January 6, 2024
CHIME & ScaleHealth Nursing Challenge Preview @ViVE 2024
In anticipation of the CHIME & ScaleHealth Nursing Challenge announced at ViVE 2024, CHIME Innovation Award-winner Terri Couts, CDO of The Guthrie Clinic, explains how the organization implemented a virtual nursing program that saved $7 Million in annual travel nursing costs using a digital hub.
CHIME & ScaleHealth Announce collaboration with the NFL Alumni Association @ViVE 2024
“Innovation 101” - The Strategyzer Paradigm
Dr. Alex Osterwalder provides an overview of the modern, evidence-driven process of innovation. Special thanks to Dr. Osterwalder for first sharing these insights with attendees of the 2023 Sustainable Innovation Summit in Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Reach out to us - what innovation resources do you need? How can we help you “Move the Needle” in your organization?
Why Strategyzer?
Continuing the conversation: Globally proven tools and models from Strategyzer + Alex Osterwalder
This page provides useful links and materials to help you discover and develop skills using Strategyzer’s various integrated visual innovation tools. A visual Business Model Canvas becomes a picture that can be worth a thousand words when it comes to telling the story of where you are and where you want to go.
The Background
Dr. Alex Osterwalder’s PhD thesis became so popular as it was passed around business circles that it eventually became the bestselling “Business Model Generation,” which launched the Business Model Canvas as a primary tool for sketching and designing new business models, and a movement away from 30-page, untested “business plans” that can become anchors dragging down the process of innovation within companies.
The Progression:
A complete innovation design ecosystem - Since its publication in 2010, Business Model Generation has become the core of an entire business model design and testing methodology, followed by Value Proposition Design, Testing Business Ideas, The Invincible Company, and High Impact Tools for Teams.
An online platform to support innovation teams - Strategyzer has digitized all its tools into a subscription model in which teams can collaborate long-distance in real-time.
Virtual training Masterclasses and Coaching Boot Camps - To jump start learning for those new to the Strategyzer tools and models, the company offers a variety of live training series as well as an on-demand set of classes expanding on and leading people through the books and showing how all the pieces work together as well as deep dives into the processes innovators are using in top global companies to transform entire industries.
The Connection:
Professional Development - At CHIME Innovation, we are partnering with Strategyzer to learn and use these tools in our own nonprofit organization, as well as to offer collaboration opportunities to our CHIME Members and other provider leaders who are driving innovation in their organizations.
Helping Grow a Network of Evidence-based Innovation Practitioners - We are investing time and thought into absorbing and mastering the Strategyzer training in order to grow as a trusted resource for approaching innovation not as a flashy form of theater, but a true professional discipline of evidence-based practice.
Curated Resources and a Map for Exploring the Strategyzer Ecosystem - The videos, links, and PDFs we are collecting and sharing on this page are offered as a starting point for innovators new to these books and tools. Please feel free to contact us and “geek out” on the details, or just discuss ways we might be able to bring engaging learning opportunities to you in the form of events, workshops, and webinars. We look forward to sharing the journey with you, and supporting you at whatever point you are in your own path, not as experts but as fellow travelers learning together and moving toward a common future that will affect us all and our loved ones.
If you would like to explore ways to collaborate with us on your innovation projects or professional development opportunities, please contact us!
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