Calendar of Events

Innovation in Clinical Informatics
The Innovation in Clinical Informatics Summit will take place again in 2023 before the CHIME Fall Forum. This program will feature thought leaders across our industry and will be of broad interest not only to clinical informatics leaders but to anyone working in healthcare today.

CHIME Innovation Summit: Solving Workforce Challenges
CHIME Innovation Summit: Solving Workforce Challenges

Innovation in Clinical Informatics Summit
This one and one-half day Summit brings thought leaders together that are developing best practices and innovative solutions to advance digital healthcare in the area of Clinical Informatics.
In our audience-participation “Fishbowl” Panels, you can be a voice in the room, helping identify and share workable, sustainable solutions (see our description of the Fishbowl Panels below).
The Innovation in Clinical Informatics Summit is a collaboration with AIMed and will happen in conjunction with the AIMed Global Summit 2023.
Registration fee: Included with AIMed Summit Registration

Sustainable Innovation Summit
The Sustainable Innovation Summit by CHIME Innovation at Baptist Health Jacksonville brings thought leaders together to rally around some of the toughest healthcare challenges of 2023: economic realities, workforce shortages, and staff burnout.
In our audience-participation Fishbowl Panels, you can be a voice in the room, helping identify and shape workable, sustainable solutions, and walk away with strategies and tools you can use as soon as you get home.
The Sustainable Innovation Summit is open to all CHIME Provider Members.
Registration fee: CHIME Member $99

CHIME Innovation Innovation in Clinical Informatics Summit
Date: October 6-7, 2022 | San Antonio, TX

Strategy and Frameworks Workshop & CHIME Innovation Summit
Date: September 20-23, 2022 | Boise, ID

IBTE: Telephony – A Burning Platform
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2022 @ 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Speaker: Scott MacLean, CIO, MedStar Health

IBTE: Innovations at Monument Health
Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2022 @ 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Speaker: Stephanie Lahr, CIO, CMIO, Monument Health

New Online Course Coming Soon: Ventures, Start-ups, and Accelerators: How to Utilize External Innovation Partners
Coming Soon!
Please check back for new dates.

CHIME Innovation InnoCast @ Fall Forum
CHIME InnoCast
Pre-forum Education @CHIME 21 Fall Forum
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
San Diego, CA

Digital Transformation to Meet Clinical Growth
Date: Thursday, September 30, 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Speaker: Daniel Barchi, CIO, New York-Presbyterian Hospital

Innovating for our Providers, Patients, Families, and Communities
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Speaker: Cletis Earle, SVP and CIO, Penn State Health

Memorial Healthcare System and Intelligent Observation
Date: March 18, 2021 | 11:00 am
Speaker: Jeff Sturman, SVP & CIO, Memorial Healthcare System and Seth Freedman, CEO, Intelligent Observation